Liebster Award

mbastory has very kindly nominated me for the Liebster Award! I’m completely overwhelmed now!


Here are the rules:

You must link back the person who nominated you.
You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.
You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
You must go to their blogs notify your nominees.

Okay then! My answers:

1. If you weren’t blogging, what channel of communication would you use ?

Face-to-face talking. I don’t know if people remember it, but it used to be a big thing in the old days. 🙂

2. Why WordPress and not Blogger? If you are on Blogger, why Blogger and not WordPress?

It was on a whim, honestly. I had read that WordPress had better themes. And I’m a seriously visual person. I realised later on that I could edit the HTML in Blogger myself but WordPress doesn’t allow that.

3. What is your dream job ? ( Only one please )

There are no dream jobs yet. But I do have a five-year-plan. It involves becoming a good engineer.

4.  Would you actively sell your stuff to people or wait for people to come to you to buy ?

Not sure which stuff is being referred to. But, if we’re talking business, I guess a mixture of both is required.

5. There is a total power cut in the whole world for the next 3 days . How do you spend it ?

Day 1: “What on earth am I going to do without a book or the internet?!”

Day 2: “It’s been ages since I cleaned my closet. Thank goodness my ipod is charged!”

Day 3: “You know, Mum, it’s really great that we’re getting to talk to each other.” 🙂

6. Do you read the newspaper in the morning or an e-paper? Or have you stopped reading either because you would always get notifications or emails?

I read them whenever I get the time. And I prefer a paper I can hold in my hands.

7. You’re interviewing Angela Merkel and you are allowed only 1 question. What would that be?

How did research science give way to politics?

8.  Your favorite TV series and why?

I don’t watch any TV series regularly.

9. Preferred source of sugar ( Chocolate or.. )

Dark chocolate. Not too sweet, not too bitter.

10. One sentence/phrase that defines you ( your goals, desires, life, etc.)

It is important to move to the next chapter when the time comes, because there is no point in remaining stuck on the same page.

My Nominees (there are only five):

1. obJESSions

2. The Paradoxism

3. WheelsOnOurFeet


5. Only You

And these are my questions for the nominees:

1. What are some of the places that you would like to visit in your lifetime?

2. Do you read? If so, what kind of books do you like? If not, what do you like doing in your spare time?

3. What are some of your favourite posts? Link them here.

4. Are you a morning person?

5. Do you like modern or antique furniture?

6. If you had a choice, which animal (non-human) would you like to be?

7. Do you have a preferred place where you write? Or are you comfortable anywhere?

8. Describe one quirky habit that you have.

9. Favourite quote. You can have more than one.

10. How do you like spending your birthdays?

Looking forward to all your answers. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thank you, Akshita, I am honored 🙂 I will pass the baton in a future post.

    Congratulations to you too, and it’s fun to see your answers. I love that you have plans to become an engineer!


Would love to hear from you!